Monica and Jordan :: engaged :: Cape May Engagement photos

cape may engagement photos


cape may engagement photos

Monica and Jordan :: Engaged :: Cape May Engagement photos

There is nothing I would love more than to be back at this warm and cozy summer day – creating these Cape May engagement photos for Monica and Jordan! We started our session at Congress Hall and ended on the beach with a dreamy sunset. Monica and Jordan chose this specific location because they spent a lot of time together down there! Read more below to learn about their love story..


cape may hotel photos


cape may engagement photos


We went to high school together and really got to know each other during our video production class when we sat side by side. Monica never seemed excited about making and editing videos so I would teach her what to do and how to do it. I think it was just her excuse to get more time with me ; ) . Fast forward to the fall of junior year, we realized our relationship transcended more than just friends. On Christmas day I went to Monica’s house and asked her to be my girlfriend and gave her a card that she still has on her night stand 🙂

cape may hotel photos


romantic engagement photos


We both come from large, close-knit families. The way we live our lives pays homage to the love and guidance we have received from them. Before we ever had career aspirations, we both knew that if there was one thing in life we wanted the most, it would be to have a big and loving family of our own.

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cape may hotel photos, cape may engagement

Jordan “popped the question” at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in NYC the night before Christmas Eve. Every year both of our families go into the city around Christmas to see the tree at Rockefeller center, grab dinner, and maybe catch a show. This year, we decided we were all going to see the Rockettes. Jordan and I drove separately from our families and when we finally got into the city and parked, Jordan started hustling through the crowds, dragging me along. I kept trying to tell him to SLOW DOWN! But, then again, I had only known about the show. We arrived at the Cathedral and met with our families and started slowly walking “down the aisle.” As I approached near the alter, I remember gazing at all of the pretty flowers and décor, losing myself in the surroundings. I then turned around to grab ahold of Jordan but, instead, he grabbed ahold of me. As he firmly held my hands, I could see it in his face that he was about to do something. He then got down on one knee and I immediately started to cry. Till this day, I don’t remember exactly what he said but I do know that it ended with me emphatically saying…YES! Needless to say, I wasn’t able to concentrate for a second of the show. We will have to go back next year and see it again.


cape may engagement photos


cape may engagement photos

Our favorite memories are our summers down the shore in Cape May which is why we chose to shoot our engagement photos there.

Monica on Jordan- what I love about Jordan is his passion and curiosity for life. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever known and inspires me everyday to think longer, work harder, and love deeper. And he’s a blast no matter what we’re doing:) Jordan on Monica – what I love about Monica is her unflinching selflessness and how she pushes and encourages me everyday to be a better person in so many different ways. Plus she’s drop dead gorgeous ; )

cape may engagement photos


cape may engagement photos



Cape May Engagement Photos by New Jersey wedding photographer Vanessa Joy Photography

About Vanessa Joy

Weaving together moments of intimacy and grandeur to create alluring, romantic, and moving portraits.

Vanessa Joy is a highly sought-after wedding photographer known for her stunning imagery and artistic vision. She is internationally recognized for her exceptional talent and unwavering commitment to her craft. From elegantly composed photographs to a seamless blending of timeless sophistication and modern flair, Vanessa Joy's work has captivated audiences worldwide. 

Let’s Capture Your Unique Love Story



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© vanessa joy