I watered my plants today; for the second day in a row! Such a big record for me. And for the second day in a row, there was an isolated thunderstorm that swept through my town dumping the most perfect amount of water onto my plants. Ugh, why did I bother watering them?
Lucky me had to run an errand during this thunderstorm with heavy wind and almost zero visibility through the rain as I was driving. But after about a half mile driving from my home, I was out of the storm and into my bank’s drive-through window, facing the lightning streaks and ominous dark clouds head on. Where I was sitting waiting for my checks to get deposited, was completely sunny, rainbow-like weather. Where I was facing (and where I had just driven through) was horrendous.
Now I know that I should have a good grasp on perspective by now, being a photographer and all. I know that different perspectives on angles, light, posing and many other variables bring a completely different experience to the viewer of my photographs. However, it was a like a revelation for me to see perspective as a constant through other things in life, and I thought I’d share it with all of you.
Sometimes you just have to get through the storms to see the rainbows.